The Calm Instead Of The Storm

Calm. Being relaxed, flexible and open. When I am calm I am at my best. One of the reasons why I love music and tennis as much as I do is because I can get totally immersed in it. When I am really into my music that is all I am doing. I am not thinking about anything beyond the moment. I am IN the moment.

The ability to be open. To feel free to ask questions without worrying about what other people think. The ability to absorb what is happening in the moment and still make decisions with a clear mind.

I think that calmness, rather than confidence is what I am aspiring towards. I run into to problems when I lose patience. I begin to push towards an outcome. If I can stay calm, keep a clear head and take the slow steps to reach a positive outcome things will be better,

I am kind of one of those aha big idea/ realization moments type person. I chip away at a thought or an idea bit by bit. This confidence/calmness idea still is not completely formed. But by sharing these bits of it with you all it helps me organize while i am piecing it together.

Hopefully, whatever it is that I am working towards will be something meaningful and engaging. Of course, that decision is out of my hands. It is you as the reader who decides.

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About jasonheires

I am a musician and writer. Currently, working in IT. Tennis player. Guitar Player. I dabble in art. Sci-Fi and comic book fan.

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